Ghost In The Machine

As part of my upcoming show, GHOST IN THE MACHINE will explore some examples of how to engage AI in the visual realm. How will using AI to generate paintings effect the way they are going to be interpreted and perceived as we go into the future? Are the legacy models of history, biography, and critique still applicable and relevant in terms of circumscribing the language surrounding these new domains? There is also the pure digital materiality of language models that produce images, in the sense that they effectuate a fundamental unit and basis for production. In the past it was canvas, pigment, brushes, and wood. Now we have the non-physical materiality of digital tools. This first series of paintings are examples of the most direct and unaltered outputs. New visual languages of non-human or human collaborations will thrust us into novel visual and philosophical territories. This show is a way to make manifest some of the nascent possibilities of a life changing emergent technology.
-Steve Lomprey


Dimension of Dialog / Joel Simon